Special Features of the Hospital

Tokyo Medical University Hospital offers a strong, composite system of the newest equipment and technology, with highly qualified staff, providing a uniquely integrated system of education, research and overall health care.
Starting in April of 2004, we established the Postgraduate Clinical Residence Training Center, making use of the new cur riculum we have developed specially for this. The center has another purpose, which is to provide training and education in safe and maximally effective health care for the all employees of the University.
This is accomplished by lectures and practical workshops on safety and risk management held every Tuesday. This has been contributing to the continuing lifetime education and improvement of health care technique for the entire staff of Tokyo Medical University Hospital. We use these activities to promote free interchange of information and ideas among the various professional groups making up our staffs in order to promote a very strong health care team.
We have also established the new Central Venous Line Center to maximize the safety and to reduce to the absolute minimum the risk of placement of central venous catheters, as part of our health care system.
In December of 1993, we were recognized by the government as a special function hospital and since then have been providing the highest level of advanced health care as a focal institution in our geographical area. We have also been taking great pains to develop good liaison links and communications with other health care facilities in the region and are continuously working to expand our crossreferral system.
We place the utmost importance on respecting the "Philosophy and Fundamental Principles of Tokyo Medical University Hospital" and "Patients' Rights". We, the employees, are committed to a great collaborative effort to promote the medical care provided by the hospital and to maintain the highest level of reliability.